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Songs to feed the Heart

Carrie has collaborated live and in the studio with the likes of Damien Rice, Fink, Albert Mazibuko (Ladysmith Black Mambazo), Sandrayati Fay, Carly Simon, Rumer, Mirabai Ceiba, Aukai, Martha Tilston and Andy Barlow of Lamb.

Carrie has self-released 3 studio albums - ‘The Kitchen Table’, 'Home To The Invisible', and  'The Canoe’, produced with the magic touch of Markus Sieber (Aukai/Mirabai Ceiba).

Alongside her music, Carrie sees the need and power of therapeutic work to bring us back into balance with the earth, and has studied in Family Constellations, Holistic Voice Therapy, Zen Coaching, NonViolent Communication, Nature Connection and supports groups in Shamanic ceremony and ritual. 

Carrie is committed to the path of healing and connecting music to projects with the intention to bring ourselves and the environment into harmonic symbiosis.


‘Really powerful… able to carry a strong message..

 An early Marianne Faithfull'

BBC WALES, Frank Hennessy

...delivered and presented in a way that suggests magic is at work here.'

17 seconds


'a gift to be savoured like a summer breeze'



'One of the most natural voices you may ever hear' 

XYZ Magazine (Brighton) 

"A phenomenal singer/ songwriter"
Carly simon,

The Word Magazine

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The Canoe storY:


Created here is a spatial, delicate sound that allows Carrie’s mesmeric voice and rhythmic, fluid guitar style to take centre stage, with piano and other instrumentation adding to the soundscape. “I was captivated by the tender yet expansive power in Carrie’s voice and music,” says Markus. “My main focus was to bring out quiet, subtle qualities that could weave the listener gently into her evocative and mysterious songs.” 

They worked remotely across the seas through a winter, drawing on a palette of diverse international musicians. With Markus based in Colorado and Mexico, and Carrie in London and Sussex, they met ‘halfway’ in the spring of 2018 to complete the record in Greenhouse Studios, Iceland.

The album title reflects the symbolic and metaphorical significance of canoes and journeys taken on water,

“In many traditions, there is the idea that we are born on a canoe (via the mother’s body) and when we die, we leave on one too. A lot of the songs have birth, death, water, home, and travel as their central themes, so the idea of a canoe felt like a beautiful symbol for that.”

Carrie also speaks of the power of setting time aside for journeys, “As everything seems to be moving faster and faster in life, turning off the computer, returning to simplicity and re-centring, feels more important than ever.”

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